Since its inception, the Department of Food and Civil Supplies has been the nodalagency for catering of Foodgrains and other essential commodities to the poor and needy at subsidized and affordable rates. Over the years the Departmental Officers and Staffs have been working with full dedication and sincerity in keeping with the prime vision for successful implementation of various schemes and policies of the Government in spite of encountering hurdles and technical problems from time to time. The policies of the Government are also being reviewed from time to time keeping in tune with the various changes that take place in demographic development and hence the Departmental Programmes are also being implemented accordingly. With more broader policies of the Government to give wider and sustainable coverage to poor and needy at large the Department is fully equipped to take up such challenges so as to enable the eligible beneficiaries of the state in getting its due share without compromising the quality and quantity of subsidized commodities.
Presently, the department after implementation ofNFSA’2013 (National Food Security Act) throughout the state w.e.f. August’2016 initially starting with two districts of Kohima and Dimapur from July’2016 is now beginning to show results by receiving appreciations and gratitude from the beneficiaries covering different districts. However, the success of any Programme / Schemes largely depends on the efforts of the officials & staffs involved and cooperation extend by the beneficiaries in particular and public in general.